Topic: intro
We think the texts below offer a good general overview of syndicalism.
Syndicalism: Its Theory and Practice
By Emma Goldman (1913)
CGT ⭑ France ⭑ general strike ⭑ intro ⭑ IWW ⭑ sabotage ⭑ USA
What’s Wrong with the Unions? A Syndicalist Answer
By Tom Brown (1955)
boycott ⭑ craft and industrial unionism ⭑ France ⭑ history ⭑ intro ⭑ Italy ⭑ manufacturing ⭑ strike tactics and analysis ⭑ structure ⭑ transportation and warehousing ⭑ UK
Syndicalism and Workers’ Committees
By Tom Brown (1962)
craft and industrial unionism ⭑ intro ⭑ structure ⭑ UK