Topic: USA
The Trouble at Lawrence
By Mary Heaton Vorse (1912)
AFL ⭑ craft and industrial unionism ⭑ IWW ⭑ manufacturing ⭑ strike tactics and analysis ⭑ USA
Syndicalist Tendencies in the American Labor Movement
By Max Baginski (1912)
craft and industrial unionism ⭑ IWW ⭑ manufacturing ⭑ strike tactics and analysis ⭑ transportation and warehousing ⭑ USA
Syndicalism: Its Theory and Practice
By Emma Goldman (1913)
CGT ⭑ France ⭑ general strike ⭑ intro ⭑ IWW ⭑ sabotage ⭑ USA
By Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (1913)
IWW ⭑ leisure and hospitality ⭑ manufacturing ⭑ sabotage ⭑ transportation and warehousing ⭑ USA
The Truth About the Paterson Strike
By Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (1914)
IWW ⭑ manufacturing ⭑ sabotage ⭑ strike tactics and analysis ⭑ USA
Anarcho-Syndicalism and the IWW
By Maxim Raevsky (1917)
AFL ⭑ boring from within and dual unionism ⭑ craft and industrial unionism ⭑ France ⭑ IWW ⭑ USA
Fighting for Ourselves
By Solidarity Federation (2012)
AAUD ⭑ Argentina ⭑ boring from within and dual unionism ⭑ CGT ⭑ CNT ⭑ council communism ⭑ FAUD ⭑ FORA ⭑ France ⭑ FVdG ⭑ Germany ⭑ history ⭑ Italy ⭑ IWA ⭑ IWW ⭑ Labour Party ⭑ platformism ⭑ political affiliation ⭑ Spain ⭑ Spanish Civil War ⭑ TUC ⭑ UK ⭑ union officials ⭑ USA